Spring Cleaning 101
It’s about that time of year again, time to start the annual spring cleaning! Before jumping right into your cleaning, check out these 10 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips…
1. Formulate a Plan and Set Reasonable Goals
Jot down the areas of your home that you need to clean, come up with a plan, and be sure to budget your time accordingly so you don’t get distracted.
2. Check Your Cleaning Supplies
Make sure you have all the supplies you will need before starting your clean-a-thon. Nothing is more frustrating than getting halfway through a project and realizing that you are out of supplies.
3. Involve Your Children
If not working while they are napping, try giving them small tasks to accomplish, that will both keep them occupied and help you achieve your goals.
4. Tackle One Area At A Time
It is hard to not get distracted by various projects throughout the house, but it is extremely helpful to work on one area at a time. Stay focused.
5. De-clutter Before Cleaning
Save yourself a headache and get rid of the unneeded trash and clutter before cleaning. It will keep you focused and… sane.
6. Use Bins to Organize the “Get-Rid-Of” Stuff
Instead of dividing up things into separate piles, use plastic bins to keep them organized. Separate in various categories: garage sale, donate, garbage, etc.
7. Open the Windows for Fresh Air
It is refreshing to open the windows and have fresh air flowing through the house, especially after being cooped up for several months during the winter.
8. Clean Each Room From Top to Bottom
Start at the ceiling/light fixtures and work your way down the walls, over furniture and down to the floor and baseboards.
9. Change Up Accessories
Since it is spring, try switching out darker heavier accessories with lighter and brighter accessories to bring a fresh look to each room.
10. Create a Daily Cleaning Schedule
After you have finished all of the hard work, put together a cleaning schedule to make sure things stays nice and clean year-round.